Documentary about lawyers in Solidarity movement during 1981 War State. Director: Andrzej Lelito Cameras: Piotr Augustynek, Andrzej Jaskowski, Krzysztof Stawowczyk,…
“My House in Wadowice” documentary about museum of pope John Paul II in Wadowice. Program telewizyjny o powstaniu muzeum Jana…
Perfect shop. Royal Canin promotional video. 2012. Idealny sklep – film promocyjny Royal Canin. 2012.
Notacje tv series teamwork on interviews (TVP Historia). 2007. Praca w zespole opracowującym wywiady (redakcja i montaż) do…
On the movie plan of “Traces of Uncle” I worked as a cameraman assistant. 2011. Przy filmie “Śladami Wujka”…
Editor of movie about sights in Olkusz city (dir. B. Szumowska). 2009. Montaż filmu o zabytkach Olkusza, zwanego Srebrnym…
Promotional video about MBA 5th Congress. Production for Cracow University of Economics. 2009. Film prezentujący V Kongers MBA….
At the end of october and in november 2008 I was editing movie for Krakow City Council. The purpose of…
Promotional video about MBA 2008 Congress. Production for Cracow University of Economics. 2008. Film prezentujący Kongers MBA 2008….
Recipie for survival . Documentary about frist prisoners transport to KL Auschwitz directed by Dorota Latour ). 2001. (director of…
505 misteries prussian treasure in Krakow documentary about Berlin library collections. 1996. (director of photography assistant). 505 tajemnic skarb…
Brothers of St. John 400 years anniversary – video materials editing. 2010. Montaż materiałów video z obchodów jubileuszu 400-lecia…
In August 2008 I was in Tatra mountains on Mnich top to take photo and video pictures on “Declaration of…
“Szalona noc teatrów” video recording. Slowacki Theatre. 2007. Rejestracja spektaklu “Szalona noc teatrów”. Teatr im. Juliusza Słowackiego w…
Promotional video about MBA 2007 Congress. Production for Cracow University of Economics. 2007. Film prezentujący Kongers MBA 2007,…
Short video spot for CafePR Agency. 2007. Rejestracja video krótkiego spotu reklamowego dla Agencji CafePR. 2007.
My job in this project was to edit interviews filmed for John Paul II Media Archives within John Paul II…
Videoclip, directed by Barbara Szumowska, of “John Paul II The Great Saint” song, performed by wards of Harbutowice Community Home….
DVD presentation of “John Paul II Media Archives”. My job in this project was to edit interviews filmed for “John…
Nachtasyl spectacle video recording. Słowacki Theatre. 2006. Rejestracja spektaklu Nachtasyl. Teatr im. Juliusza Słowackiego w Krakowie. 2006.
My job in this project was to edit interviews filmed for John Paul II Media Archives and design graphic for…
Documentary about children with aphasia. 2006. (editor) Film dokumentalny o dzieciach z afazją. 2006. (montaż)
Religious procession in Kalwaria Zebrzydowska – news for Reuters Agency. 2006. News dla agencji Reuters o procesji w…
Litość Boga spectacle video recording. Słowacki Theatre. 2005. Rejestracja spektaklu Litość Boga. Teatr im. Juliusza Słowackiego. 2005.
Makbet spectacle video recording. Teatr Stary theatre. 2005. ( editor ) Rejestracja spektaklu Makbet. Narodowy Teatr Stary w Krakowie. 2005. (…
Niewina spectacle video recording. Teatr Stary theatre. 2004. Rejestracja spektaklu teatralnego Niewina. Teatr Stary w Krakowie. 2004.
Promotion video about Krakow-New York Christmas decorations factory. 2004.
Stulecie Kabaretu spectacle video recording. Teatr Stary theatre. 2004 ( editor ) Rejestracja spektaklu Stulecie kabaretu. Narodowy Teatr Stary w…
Promotional film about Tischner European University. 2004. ( editor, cameraman assistant, producer assistant ) Film promocyjny Wyższej Szkoły Europejskiej…
Sen o jesieni spectacle video recording. Słowacki Theatre. 2004. Rejestracja spektaklu teatralnego Sen o jesieni. Teatr im. Juliusza Słowackiego w…
Film about Jewish The Passover Seder ritual feast. Production for Pardes Lauder Foundation. 2003. ( editor, cameraman assistant ) …
“Krzysztof Arciszewski – Conquistador in polish” documentary in Dorota Latour direction – I was working as director of photography assistant…
Krzysztof Arciszewski conquistador in polish. Documentary in Dorota Latour direction. 2002. (director of photography assistant and executive producer assistant) …